Hoop Snake

Stylised image of hoop snake in a forest

The Hoop Snake is a cryptid serpent from folkloric traditions across the U.S. and Canada. The Hoop Snake also appears in the ancient traditions of cultures from other parts of the world, including Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. A cosmic serpent that forms a hoop by biting or holding its tail in its mouth occurred … Read more

Tahoe Tessie

The Tahoe Tessie seen with its long neck sticking out of the lake at dawn.

The Tahoe Tessie is an alleged lake monster that lives in Lake Tahoe, an alpine freshwater lake at an elevation of more than 6,200 feet in the Sierra Nevada mountain range that straddles California and Nevada. At a maximum depth of 1644 feet, Lake Tahoe is the second-deepest lake in the United States. The legend … Read more

Ozark Howler

The Ozark Howler with a lion-like body and a goat-like head is seen in a forest with a red sunset in the mist

The Ozark Howler is a cryptid from the folklore of the Ozarks, a mountainous region covering parts of Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Kansas. Natives claim the Ozark Howler is a vicious bear or cat-like creature that prowls the remote mountainous woods of the region. It has a terrifying howl and is thought to be extremely … Read more

Eastern Cougar

The eastern cougar is seen here on a branch with the sculptures behind it

The eastern cougar was a population of the North American cougar (Puma concolor couguar) that inhabited Eastern North America. Some wildlife experts consider the eastern cougar a distinct subspecies from the western population. However, other experts believe that eastern and western cougars belong to the North American subspecies Puma concolor couguar. European settlers extirpated the cougar … Read more

Mogollon Monster

The Mogollon Monster seen here as a very large humanoid/ape hybrid in a mountain scene

The Mogollon Monster is a Bigfoot-like cryptid from the folklore of Arizona. It is allegedly native to the wooded areas of east, central, and southeast Arizona, along the Mogollon Rim, where most sightings occurred. The Mogollon rim, from which the monster gets its name, is a 2,000-foot escarpment that stretches 200 miles eastward across central … Read more


Waheela seen as a white wolf-like creature at the edge of a mountain lake with pines in the distance.

The Waheela is a wolf-like cryptid allegedly native to Canada’s Northwest Territories and Alaska. The creature purportedly hails from the South Nahanni River area. The Nahanni River is a tributary of the Liard River, west of Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories. Although the Waheela is native to northern Tundra regions, it may migrate southward during … Read more

Loveland Frog

The Loveland Frog seen in a gloomy forest, its a humanoid with frog-like features including bulbous yellow eyes

The Loveland Frog is an alleged froglike humanoid native to Ohio. Reports of the cryptid come from Loveland, a city 25 miles northwest of Cincinnati split between three counties: Hamilton, Clermont, and Warren in southwest Ohio. Locals claim the Loveland Frog lives along the marshy banks or inside the Little Miami River. Some describe the … Read more


The Cadborosaurus seen in swampy water with its long almost hippo like mouth

Cadborosaurus is a sea monster from North American folklore. It is an alleged marine monster native to the North American Pacific Coast. Multiple alleged sightings have occurred in and around Cadboro Bay, south of Vancouver Island, Greater Victoria, British Columbia. Eyewitnesses described the alleged species as a horse- or camel-headed mega-serpentine creature. The name cadborosaurus … Read more

Lake Worth Monster

The Lake Worth Monster with its goat head seen squatting at the endge of the lake.

The Lake Worth Monster is a cryptid many people reported sighting in the summer of 1969 at Lake Worth and Greer Island, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, United States. People alleged seeing the monster roaming on Greer Island in the middle of the lake. According to local folklore, the monster lived along the shores of … Read more

Michigan Dogman

The Michigan Dogman seen here with greyish skin and naked torso sanding near a misty lake

The Michigan Dogman is an alleged human-dog cryptid from the folklore of Northern Michigan. The dogman legend may have roots in the legends of the Odawa (Ottawa) tribes of the Manistee River area in the northwestern Lower Peninsula of Michigan. However, the first alleged sighting of the creature in recent history occurred in Wexford County, … Read more