
Mamlambo under the sea a mermaid type creature with a woman's upper body and a fish tail.

Mamlambo is a mythical shape-shifting water spirit or river goddess in Xhosa and Zulu (South African) mythology. It may manifest as a freshwater reptile-fish monster or a mermaid (woman-fish chimera). According to folklore, Mamlabo lives in the Mzintlava River (Umzimvubu River) near Mount Ayliff township (eMaxesibeni) in the Eastern Cape Province. Description Mamlambo as a … Read more


Storsjöodjuret seen swimming in some murky water. With its whiskets, blue-grey skin and a white mane running the length of its body.

Storsjöodjuret (or Storsjöodjur) is a lake monster from Swedish folklore. The creature allegedly lives in Lake Storsjön in the Jämtland province of Sweden. Lake Storsjön is the largest in central Sweden and the fifth largest in the country. It covers an area of 179 square miles and has a maximum depth of about 240 feet. The … Read more

Lake Worth Monster

The Lake Worth Monster with its goat head seen squatting at the endge of the lake.

The Lake Worth Monster is a cryptid many people reported sighting in the summer of 1969 at Lake Worth and Greer Island, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, United States. People alleged seeing the monster roaming on Greer Island in the middle of the lake. According to local folklore, the monster lived along the shores of … Read more

Tahoe Tessie

The Tahoe Tessie seen with its long neck sticking out of the lake at dawn.

The Tahoe Tessie is an alleged lake monster that lives in Lake Tahoe, an alpine freshwater lake at an elevation of more than 6,200 feet in the Sierra Nevada mountain range that straddles California and Nevada. At a maximum depth of 1644 feet, Lake Tahoe is the second-deepest lake in the United States. The legend … Read more


The mussie seen here as a serpentine lake monster rearing out of a forboding lake

The mussie is a lake monster from Canadian folklore. It allegedly lives in the Muskrat Lake in Whitewater Region, near Cobden village, Renfrew County, Ontario. The legend of the mussie reportedly originated in the early 1900s. However, some claim there were references to the monster in the early 17th-century writings of Samuel de Champlain, the … Read more

Kelpies, Each-Uisge, and Water Horses

The kelpie in the form of a huge horse able to run across the ocean. Seen here at night trying to lure a human on to its back.

Scottish and Celtic folklore is rich with stories of various shape-shifting water horses, from the kelpie to the Gaelic each-uisge. They all share some similarities, but there are some differences, though often, these subtleties are lost in translation or get a little mixed up. The tales have been mostly passed down by word of mouth, so … Read more


The Buru is a large crocodile-like creature, seen here in a swamp with its large mouth open revealing some rather terrifying teeth.

The Buru (Bura) is a mythical cryptid that features in the origin legends of the Apatani (Tanw) of the Ziro (Silo) valley in the Eastern Himalayan Lower Subansiri district of Arunachal Pradesh, India. Professor Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf was the first anthropologist to visit their remote communities in 1944. According to the Apatani, when their ancestors … Read more


The Morag seen in the form of a mermaid with a green-scaled fish tail and a woman's torso.

The Morag (Mòrag, Mhorag) is a cryptid that allegedly dwells in the depths of Loch Morar in the highlands of Scotland. Loch Morar (Scottish Gaelic: Loch Mòrair) is a freshwater loch near the seaport village of Mallaig in the Lochaber region of the northwestern highlands of Scotland. The loch is Scotland’s fifth-largest by surface area, … Read more


An image of a Bunyip in water

The bunyip is a legendary animal said to inhabit small rivers, watering holes, and swamps in southeast Australia. The Australian Indigenous people have long told stories about an evil, predatory creature that lived in or near water. The bunyip name comes from the indigenous word for an amphibious spirit being. The creature is considered violent … Read more


The serpentine Ogopogo seen on the lake under a moody dark sky, its reflection dark on the still water.

Ogopogo is a legendary lake monster said to inhabit the waters of Okanagan Lake in Canada. The legend originated among the First Nation community, who were part of the Okanagan/Syilx Nation Alliance and lived in the area for 12,000 years. When European fur traders began arriving in the Okanagan Valley in 1809, stories of a … Read more