Dover Demon

The Dover Demon seen as an almost alien-like humanoid walking on four limbs with glowing red eyes, pictured in a dark forest at night.

The Dover Demon was a cryptid that some teenagers reported sighting in Dover, Massachusetts, from April 21 to 22, 1977. The reported sightings caused a stir in Dover and neighboring communities. However, the excitement subsided after there were no further reports. People have since been debating the Dover Demon sightings and offering explanations about what … Read more

Orang Pendek

The Orang Pendek seen here peering through some undergrowth with its ape-like face and long orange hair.

The Orang Pendek (also known as Sedapa) is a cryptid believed to be an ape or primate native to the remote mountainous forests of the islands of Sumatra and Borneo. It is allegedly bipedal (walks on two legs) and stands 2.5-5 feet tall. However, some accounts claim individuals may be over 5 feet tall. The … Read more


A Goatman seen with a human body but a large goat's head. In a misty forest at night.

Goatman is half-man, half-goat, and has been terrorizing Maryland since the 1950s. The Goatman is believed to have attacked teenage lovers and even beheaded a dog in 1971. This cryptid could be the result of a genetic experiment that went horribly wrong. Description The Goatman legend inhabits, for the most part, Prince George’s County, which … Read more

Melon Heads

Three Melon Heads pictured in a tunnel, with pale skin and large dome-shaped heads.

Melon Heads are allegedly small-sized humanoid cryptids with large heads native to remote forested parts of Ohio, Michigan, and Connecticut. According to folklore, the creatures live hidden in caves and underground tunnels in the woods but come out at night to attack people and terrorize neighboring communities. Description Melon Head origin stories The description and … Read more

Michigan Dogman

The Michigan Dogman seen here with greyish skin and naked torso sanding near a misty lake

The Michigan Dogman is an alleged human-dog cryptid from the folklore of Northern Michigan. The dogman legend may have roots in the legends of the Odawa (Ottawa) tribes of the Manistee River area in the northwestern Lower Peninsula of Michigan. However, the first alleged sighting of the creature in recent history occurred in Wexford County, … Read more


Elwetritsch standing with feathers and arms up in a forest.

The Elwetritsch is a bird- or fowl-like cryptid from German folklore. The creature is supposedly native to the forests of the Palatinate region of southwest Germany. However, the folklore occurs in various locales spread over a wide area of southern Germany. The Elwetritsch is only one of several mythical birds from German folklore. Other regions … Read more

Ebu Gogo

A group of Ebu Gogo in a forest clearing.

Unique to the island of Flores, Indonesia, the Ebu Gogo were supposedly small but monstrous human-like creatures. Their small stature has led to them becoming known as the real-life Hobbits. Description The local people known as the Nage have told tales about the Ebu Gogo for many generations. “Ebu” means “grandmother,” and “gogo” means “he … Read more


The Hodag seen here with green skin and large horns.

The Hodag is a so-called “fearsome critter” said to resemble an ox but with a frog-like head. The fabled beast is unique to the area of Rhinelander, Wisconsin, and has been part of local legend for a long time. Description Although the Hodag had been part of Rhinelander’s lore for as long as anyone could … Read more

Ivory-billed woodpecker

The Ivory-billed woodpecker seen with its red crest and black and white plumage.

The Ivory-billed woodpecker, Campephilus principalis, is officially classified as critically endangered or possibly extinct and generates a great deal of research and debate as to whether or not it still exists. Description The Ivory-billed woodpecker was the largest woodpecker to reside in the USA and, indeed, was one of the world’s largest of the species. … Read more


The Grassman seen here as a Bigfoot type creature. Roaring in the middle of a corn field.

The Grassman is similar to Bigfoot, being a big, hairy, ape-like creature said to reside in the state of Ohio, USA. Description Ohio is known for its own version of Bigfoot, known as Grassman. Residents of the Buckeye State have been reporting Grassman sightings for 150 years. The name comes from the belief that the … Read more