
Waheela seen as a white wolf-like creature at the edge of a mountain lake with pines in the distance.

The Waheela is a wolf-like cryptid allegedly native to Canada’s Northwest Territories and Alaska. The creature purportedly hails from the South Nahanni River area. The Nahanni River is a tributary of the Liard River, west of Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories. Although the Waheela is native to northern Tundra regions, it may migrate southward during … Read more


The Cherufe as a looming and giant lava humanoid creature.

The Cherufe is an evil demonic entity in Chilean folklore. The demon lives in the volcanoes of Chile. The legend of the Cherufe originated among the native Araucanian tribes who live in the valleys and basins of south-central Chile between the Biobío River in the north and the Toltén River in the south. The Araucnian … Read more

Loveland Frog

The Loveland Frog seen in a gloomy forest, its a humanoid with frog-like features including bulbous yellow eyes

The Loveland Frog is an alleged froglike humanoid native to Ohio. Reports of the cryptid come from Loveland, a city 25 miles northwest of Cincinnati split between three counties: Hamilton, Clermont, and Warren in southwest Ohio. Locals claim the Loveland Frog lives along the marshy banks or inside the Little Miami River. Some describe the … Read more

J’ba Fofi

The J’ba fofi seen as a giant spider-like creature in a dark dell.

The J’ba fofi is an alleged giant spider that lives in the dense rainforest regions of Central and East Africa. Reports of the creature originated among the Baka people (formerly known as pygmies) who live in the rainforests of southeastern Cameroon, the northern Republic of the Congo, Gabon, and the southwest region of the Central … Read more


The Mngwa is a big cat and is seen here lying on the grass.

The Mngwa (or Nunda) is an alleged big cat from the folklore of coastal Tanzania in East Africa. The man-eating cryptid is native to the forests of eastern Tanzania along the Indian Ocean coast. The name Mngwa is from a word meaning “mysterious creature.” The creature’s other name Nunda means the “fierce one.” (George Eberhart, … Read more

Nandi Bear

The Nandi bear snarling in a forest

The Nandi bear is a ferocious cryptid allegedly native to Kenya, East Africa. The folklore originated among the Nandi people of western Kenya. Most reports of the creature come from Nandi County and surrounding areas, including the Uasin Gishu Plateau in the North Rift. The cryptid derives its name from its historical association with the … Read more


The Cadborosaurus seen in swampy water with its long almost hippo like mouth

Cadborosaurus is a sea monster from North American folklore. It is an alleged marine monster native to the North American Pacific Coast. Multiple alleged sightings have occurred in and around Cadboro Bay, south of Vancouver Island, Greater Victoria, British Columbia. Eyewitnesses described the alleged species as a horse- or camel-headed mega-serpentine creature. The name cadborosaurus … Read more

Man-eating Tree

A man-eating tree seen here with a man trapped in its snake like branches

A man-eating tree is a carnivorous tree (or plant) that allegedly captures, ingests, and digests humans (or large animals) for its nutritional needs. Botanists have documented more than 600 carnivorous plant species that can capture and digest animal tissues, but no plant species ingest humans or large animals. However, folklore, legends, and myths from many … Read more


Storsjöodjuret seen swimming in some murky water. With its whiskets, blue-grey skin and a white mane running the length of its body.

Storsjöodjuret (or Storsjöodjur) is a lake monster from Swedish folklore. The creature allegedly lives in Lake Storsjön in the Jämtland province of Sweden. Lake Storsjön is the largest in central Sweden and the fifth largest in the country. It covers an area of 179 square miles and has a maximum depth of about 240 feet. The … Read more


Popobawa seen with its bat-like wings and head resting on a forest floor

Popobawa is an evil spirit (shetani) in the folklore of Zanzibar. Zanzibar is part of the United Republic of Tanzania in East Africa. It is an archipelago in the Indian Ocean consisting of several islands, including Zanzibar (also known as Unguja) and Pemba Islands. Recurrent episodes of Popobawa mass hysteria in Zanzibar reportedly originated on … Read more