
Tsuchinoko seen with its snake appearance but wider in the middle than at the head or tail.

The Tsuchinoko is well-established in Japanese mythology. It is thought to inhabit the forests and mountains of Shikoku, Honshu, and Kyushu islands, along with parts of the Korean peninsula. This snake-like creature is thought to be relatively harmless and has inspired yearly hunts throughout Japan. Description “Tsuchinoko” literally translates to “hammer’s spawn.” The Tsuchinoko is … Read more


a terrifying Yowie chases a man through a wood.

The Yowie is an ape-like creature reported to live in the vast wilderness of Australia. Descriptions of the Yowie have evolved many years, with most modern reports describing a Bigfoot-type animal.  Description The Yowie comes from Aboriginal folklore, with reports often describing it as looking like an ape with red eyes, which are weirdly located … Read more


The Wolpertinger looking like a winged hare or rabbit. Its tawny wings outstretched against a dark background.

The Wolpertinger is a legendary hybrid creature said to live in Bavaria, Germany and claimed to have various animal features like antlers, wings, and fangs. This cryptid is often compared to the American Jackalope as its appearance is often described as like a rabbit with antlers. Description The Wolpertinger was named by Bavarians and is … Read more


A Pukwudgie with humanoid features but with spines along its back.

The Pukwudgie is a legendary creature from Native American folklore, said to resemble a human but smaller and with slightly different features. The name means “person of the wilderness.” The Pukwudgie, sometimes spelled as Puckwudgie, mainly inhabits wooded areas and seems to resemble a goblin or fairy-type creature. Description Pukwudgies are to be found in the … Read more


A terrifying werewolf with a man's body and the head of a demonic wolf.

A werewolf is an ancient mythological human with the ability to transform into a wolf-like creature, usually during a full moon. Werewolves are closely related to the Louisiana Rougarou and the Skin-walkers of the Navajo. In fact, the idea of people turning into wolves or other wild wolf-like animals has been around for at least … Read more

Beast of Bodmin Moor

Beast of Bodmin Moor seen as a black panther on a foggy night with fields and village on the moor in the background

The Beast of Bodmin Moor is an alleged big cat from the folklore of Cornwall and Devon in South West England. The cat is supposedly native to Bodmin Moor in the northeastern part of Cornwall but reported sightings also come from other parts of Cornwall and neighboring Devon. Reports about a big cat in Bodmin … Read more


A group o green skinned Alux in a forest

The Alux, pronounced “aloosh,” is a sprite-like creature that appears in various Mayan myths from Guatemala and the Yucatan area of Mexico. They are mischievous evil beings that are rumored to still plague people in rural areas. Description Sometimes known as the Chanekeh or Chaneque, the aluxes (or aluxo’ob in the Mayan language) are said to … Read more

Beast of Gévaudan

The Beast of Gévaudan a large werewolf-like creature seen here fighting a woman in a red dress who is attempting to spear it

The Beast of Gévaudan was a man-eater that preyed on people in the former south-central French Province of Gévaudan during the mid-1700s. The territory of the former Province of Gévaudan coincides with the modern-day Départements of Lozère, Dordogne, Haute-Loire, and the region of Auvergne. Gévaudan was an impoverished backwater of France, a remote, mostly rural, … Read more

Beast of Bray Road

The Beast of Bray Road with dark fur and glowing eyes prowls against a blood moon

The Beast of Bray Road is an alleged human-wolf cryptid native to Wisconsin. The creature, described as werewolf-like, was sighted on multiple occasions near Elkhorn, Delavan, and other communities in Walworth and Jefferson Counties, Wisconsin. As the name suggests, the Beast of Bray Road is most closely associated with Bray Road outside Elkhorn. Description Alleged … Read more


The Agogwe is a large ape-like creature with tan skin and is pictured in a forest of leafless trees.

The Agogwe is an alleged humanoid creature native to East Africa. It supposedly lives in the dense forests of north-central Tanzania. Reports of the Agogwe have also come from Mozambique. Alleged eyewitnesses describe the creature as hairy and bipedal. According to George Eberhart in his Mysterious Creatures: A Guide to Cryptozoology (2002), the name (Agogwe) … Read more